Central case – 2nd Planners meeting

24 - 25 August 2015 in Tallinn, ESTONIA

This meeting firstly aimed at providing an update of the national MSP processes and the Project partners progress with the topic papers. Furthermore, the meeting was devoted at providing information about the approach taken by the different countries towards the ecosystem-based approach, discussing the structure and development of the assessment report, and to make decisions about further steps of the project.
Regarding the new development in countries’ MSP processes, Latvia had the first draft ready. Public consultation with municipalities (in 07/2015) helped drafting topic papers and national consultations will continue. In Sweden, the governmental bill is in force and the ordinance in place – SwAM is the national coordinator of the whole MSP process. In Estonia, the responsibility shifted from the Ministry of Interior to the Ministry of Finance.

Sectorial experts have not been hired yet Sweden. Latvia will continue to include more external experts. Estonia has started to collect data and sectorial experts are about to be hired. Moreover, the Project partners presented their topics with the already available information.

Regarding the ecosystem-based approach, each partner made a short presentation on how the ecosystem-based approach is perceived in their home countries. A finding was that everyone aims for GES, but the way of getting there is different. In Estonia there are no restrictions to any use of the maritime space as long as the environment is not harmed. Therefore, an environmental impact assessment is required to all activities making use of the sea. Similarly, the Swedish approach establishes three checklists: general EBA, SEA and planning support – MSFD in MSP. Other issues that are under discussion in Sweden include: marine green infrastructure, ecosystem services and spatial cumulative effects assessment.

In Latvia the ecosystem-based approach contemplates 1) scientific knowledge of marine ecosystem, its structure and functions; 2) appropriate methodology for assessment of relationship of ecosystem functions and human well-being as well as impacts of human activities, ecosystem functions and services. Latvia’s mapping of ecosystem services is expected to be finalised by October 2015. Additionally, Latvia aims at delivering:

  • Assessment of the sensitivity of marine habitat types to different sea uses
  • Assessment of ecological impacts of alternative sea use scenarios:
    • Impact to ecologically significant areas;
    • Impacts on provision of ecosystem services;
    • Impact on achievement of good environmental status (MSFD descriptors and indicators).

The HELCOM VASAB “Guidelines on Ecosystem-based Approach” were stressed as important as was the finding of a similar understanding of the ES approach in all Central Baltic case countries. Hence, an ES approach “Task Force” was set up, looking simultaneously into all Central Baltic countries.

As an answer to other information needs, HELCOM will provide intensity data of shipping and a density map (development of shipping over past 10 years) and also plans a map on seasonal variation.

Project partners agreed to adopt the planning support checklist (how to reduce negative impacts of shipping, fisheries, energy to the environment) as a basis to create a common understanding of the ecosystem-based approach. Additionally, a decision was made to form a task force on ecosystem-based approach. The task is to draft a short interpretation of the ecosystem-based approach in MSP. The interpretation should also be applied in the Central Baltic case. To do this, the paper from HELCOM/VASAB should be taken as a basis.

Project partners agreed that during the next period, two thematic group meetings will take place. All four topics will be tackled during one day. Also, there will be a list of experts with the contacts compiled and distributed. The responsibility for putting together topic papers was highlighted once again and that coordination is important.



Energy sector in Latvia

Energy sector in Sweden

Energy sector in Estonia (image)


Environment sector in Latvia

Environment sector in Sweden

Environment sector in Estonia (image)


Fisheries in Latvia

Fisheries in Sweden

Fisheries in Estonia (image)


Shipping sector in Latvia

Shipping sector in Sweden

Shipping sector in Estonia (image)

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