Central case – 1st Planners meeting

22 May 2015 in Riga, LATVIA

During this meeting, new developments of the national MSP processes were discussed. More importantly, this meeting served to introduce the ecosystem-based approach, present the data available and to make a decision about the topics relevant in this project.

Some of the developments of national MSP processes discussed included:

  • Latvian MSP processes need harmonization and a project schedule, particularly in relation to transnational consultations for the Social and Economic Impact Assessment (SEIA), as well as to how to reach environmental targets.
  • In Estonia, the elaboration of the national MSP is expected to undergo between 2016 and 2020, however, this might change due to budget constraints. The MSP process will benefit from the experience from the pilot plans previously elaborated. Stakeholder involvement showed positive results during the elaboration of pilot plans. The ecosystem-based approach was applied in pilot plans although the term was not utilized when realizing the plans to the public.
  • In Sweden, the marine area is divided into three units. MSP will be elaborated for each of them simultaneously. Plans will be developed under a national framework and adopted by the government. Questions arose about how sectors can be prioritised, as MSP will have a strategic character and thus not to prohibit any use. A methodology was elaborated on how to apply the ecosystem-based approach regarding transboundary issues. It is based on ‘Malawi principles for the ecosystem approach’6.

Furthermore, the Latvian PP introduced ecosystem-based approach and explained the steps that are to be taken when applying it. In Latvia, the ecosystem-service mapping is one of the main elements of the ecosystem-based approach. Spatial information on ecosystem service provision will be used as a basis for maritime spatial planning. Ecosystem service mapping will consist of 4 steps – (1) development of habitat type map as a basis for assessment; (2) development of assessment matrix with relevant indicators for selected ecosystem services; (3) expert judgement, based on available field information and literature; (4) mapping of ecosystem services by linking assessment values with spatial units.

Moreover, another presentation discussed that marine protected areas (MPAs) and monitoring indicators need to be established on broader geographical scale, thus in a transboundary context. Management of MPAs is costly and they will not solve all problems. There is a need to jointly test the management measures, as the core set of indicators still include geographical specificity. In this context, the indicators for ‘Good Environmental Status’ (GES) could also be harmonized. To ensure coherence and connectivity, the marine infrastructure should be considered.

During the discussions, the PPs agreed to provide information on how each country plans to apply the ecosystem-based approach.

On other topics, HELCOM presented data for the CB case focusing mainly on maritime data (AIS), but offered to provide necessary environmental data throughout the project as well as density maps and other statistics. This is a partial answer to the call for the need of having monitoring indicators on broader geographical scale and as a transboundary issue. Nordregio will also produce maps describing the socioeconomic situation in coastal municipalities.

Project partners agreed to focus on the following topics/sectors: shipping, energy, fishing, and environment. However, they decided that SEA and ecosystem-based approach to be used for the Central Baltic case. Sweden will take the responsibility to prepare the topic paper on fisheries, Latvia on environment, Estonia on shipping and both Estonia and Latvia on energy.  The topic paper on environment shall concentrate on stock take, but environmental aspects will be included in all topic papers in relation to the ecosystem-based approach.



MSP status and envisaged activities in Latvia

Ecosystem based approach in MSP

Maritime spatial planning in Estonia – current situation and future plans

Socio-economic data and maps by NORDREGIO

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